Our Thoughts
Sign Salad Loves July 2017

As another calendar page is folded into a paper airplane to drift off on the warm summer air, it’s time for our round-up of stories we’ve been reading in the signs over the last month…

Mattel injects some Ken do into their brand with their range of diverse new Ken dolls.

Was Huey Lewis right when he sang “It’s hip to be square”? The Ringer gives us the inside edge on the online squares vs. circles debate.

Novelist Ruuman Alam ruminates on what working in advertising brought to his approach to writing.

Proving that in advertising, bigger has always been better: archaeologists have discovered an ancient Egyptian billboard.
And lastly, hear the beautiful cross-brand promotional harmony as Gorillaz team up with E.On for a solar powered music video (vol. 2 Coming soon.)